miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

Francisco José nº25

One day when I was walking at the beach ,I saw someone,when I get closer Irealised that he was Jesus.At first I couldn´t realised,but then I did.He was standing still,but sudently he spoke me,he told me that the today world isn´t the same of the world at his time.He said that today,the world is all the time in wars,conflicts...He also said that
Today religious festivals aren´t the same of at his times,he said that today for example
Christmas is only presents,money...And cristmas is to celebrate Jesus birth.He comment the same about the comunions,today are only presents,celebration....
For me that is true and also I think that today also God´s kingdom doesn´t exist,because in the world of today,people only considered thinks like money.

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