domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Rocío, 3

Week 1:
One day, when I was walking through a desert beach, I met Jesus.
It was a sunny and beautiful day, so I decided to have a walk through the beach that was in front of my house. Suddenly, I saw very far away, a silhouette of a man coming towards me. When the time past, and the man came nearer me, I could differentiate, that he was Jesus. He was thin, with some bear and with a dark skin tone. He also, was wearing a large white tunic with a gold cord in his waist.
I was very nervous, but sure of what I was going to ask him. My question was: `What is the Kingdom of God?´, and his answer was: `What I’m going to say to you, will probably answered lot and lot of questions. The Kingdom of God are all the things all over the world, that have a relationship with God´.
It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life, but the most surprising thing was his language, he talked to me in English!

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