jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

julia number : 22

Last year I was walking along the beach, when suddendly, I spy in the distance a silhouette of a person. When I was enough near I could concentrate well on his physical features. He was a man of average stature, his eyes were brown, he had a long bit curled and chestnut-colored hair.I havent seen him in my life, but it seems like a person that I know very well. Suddendly I knew who was him. ¡It was Jesus!
-Whats your name?
-My name is Julia. And I am shure that you are Jesus.
-Yes, I am Jesus.¿Do you have any question for me?
-Yes, I've some.What's the kingdom of God?
-One day I had a dream. I could see what the world would be like if people would allow the love of God rule their hearts. It would be like heaven on earth. Everyone would love God and everyone would love their neighbour as themselves. I called that dream the kingdom of God.
-But, when will it begin and were is it?
-It is not a place, it cannot be found on a map. The kingdom of God is found on people's heart. It's a way of life. The kingdom of God has already appeard. ¡It came with me!

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