lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

How to Use This Blog

Here is a simple, step-by step, explanation on how to use this blog for posting your assignments.
(1) Decide, either individually or as part of a group, what it is you are going to write, and which images you will use.
(2) Write your essay or paragraphs in Microsoft Word, preferably using Microsoft Sans Serif 12 point font and save a copy for yourself. Never compose your work on this site. Always keep a copy either on a pen drive, a CD-ROM, your own computer or on Campus.
(3) Open this site with the username and password you have received. Go to "Edit Posts" on the dashboard, and open the link for your own group only. Always sign your work with your first name only and your "Partes" number, example¨: Carmen 25, or Juan 14. This way I know who did what work.
(4) Remember that you are using this space with other students, so be careful to find your own work and add to it, without erasing anyone else´s work. When you have posted your text, and added your images, (images should be "small" and "align left") then push the "Publish Post" button. You can check the blog in a new window to make sure your entry is how you want it to be. Edit it if you need to by following these steps again.
(5) Always sign out, using the button at the top right-hand corner of this page.
(6) Please do not change the titles of the entries, or the colours, or the layout, as you may delete your work and everyone else´s too!
(7) Comments are for teacher´s use ONLY!
D. Ryan

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