domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

Group 5

1. Antonio 2
2. Carlos 7
3. Paco 4
4. Luis 10

Arrest and Trial of Jesus:
One thursday evening Jesus, Peter and some of the disciples were in the Mount of the Olives, they were afraid, they had made that mountain their usual place, because it was safe, Jesus knew that it was only time for the Soldiers to found him. He left the people and he started to walk alone. In another place he started to pray alone, he was ready if God wanted him.

There was a loud noise, Judas had arrived, he went over Jesus and he greted Jesus with a kiss, it was the signal, some soldiers appeared, they were ready to arrest Jesus, the disciples were ready to fight but Jesus stoped them, after the disciples ran out because they were frightened and they ran out.

Death of Jesus:

Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion. He was beaten by Roman soldiers, he was crucified between two robbers, and died.

The resurrection:

Early on saturday morning Mary Magdalen, Joanna, Salome, and Mary the mother of James were walking along carrying the large jars of ointment, when they arrived to the tomb of Jesus they saw that the tomb was opened and there wasn't the death body of Jesus, they got a shock and a messenger from God said:
-Jesus is not there, he is risen from the dead, do not be afraid.
The disciples were still in hiding. They felt everything had gone wrong, Jesus was dead, their work was over, and their own lives were in danger, they dind't believe that the tomb was empty, but Peter was unsure, he ran to the tomb and he could proved that, It was an empty tomb.

Resurrection Aparences

Three days after Jesus died on the cross, two of Jesus followers walk along the road to Emmaus, a small town eleven kilometres from Jerusalem.A stranger catches up with the two men. He walks along net to them. It was Jesus, but they didn’t recognise him.Then the stranger began to remind them of the Jewish scriptures. He told them how everything in the Old Testament pointed to the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. The men walk along listening to the stranger. At last they arrived in the town of Emmaus.
They knew that the stranger was Jesus when they saw him cutting the bread to all the people and he dissappeard.

-religion book


Carlos 7

The Kingdom of God
The baptism of Jesus
One day Jesus joined a crowd of people to go to the river Jordan.
John the Baptist was there preparing the coming of the messiah.
Jesus went and speak to John. Jesus ask John if he can be baptised. John baptised Jesus in the river Jordan.
Long time ago, telling parables was popular way of teaching new ideas.
Jesus told parables to teach people about the Kingdom of God. Parables about everyday, what things happens in peoples lives.
The lost sheep
Jesus was telling a parable of a lost sheep and he said:
Imagine a man has 100 sheeps and one gets lost. What does the man? He saved the 99 sheep or he look in all parts until he found it.
He said:
He saved the 99 sheep.
In the gospels, the evangelists record thirty five miracles that Jesus performed. The evangelists saw the miracles as a sign that Jesus is the Messiah.
Christians believe a miracle is a wonderful event caused by the power of God. Jesus had a lot of power, and it came from God.
The good Samaritan
One day a local gang see a poor men so he attack him and keep all his money.
Some local people come by in a great hurry.
They pass the injured man, but they ignore him. They don’t want to get involved.
Then a Samaritan man comes by. The Jews and the Samaritans don’t get along.
The injured man turns and groans , the Samaritan gives him first aid. Then he carefully put him onto his donkey and brings him to the nearest inn.
-religion book 1 eso
Antonio, Number 2

Jesus and outsiders:
Conflict with authority:
Jesus was passing trought the town of Jericho.
Zacchaeus had heard all about the famous teacher.He wanted to see him.
Important people like the Pharisees where at the front of the crowd.
They had a lot of power and authority in the town.
the local people looked down of Zacchaeus,now one like him. the Pharisees sais didn't like him eather. they belived he were sinners. Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see Jesus. He said his name, and invetid him for lunch.
Jesus Forgives Sins:
Conflict with authority:
Jesus went back to Capernaum. Jesus began to teach about the Kindong of God, and to heal the sick among them.
A group of men arrived. The man was hoping that Jesus would help him "Of course he will".
They tried to get their friends inside the house. Carefully, they carried the paralysed man up the steps at the side of the house.
After they caught their breath they set to work.
Everyone stood back and looked up in amazement.
Jesus and Sabbath law:
In Jesus ' time the Pharisees thought it meant that God didn't want the jews to do any work at all on the Sabbath. There were many rules about not working.
The Pharisees believed that they were serving God. Jesus upset the Pharisses diferent way.
Jesus travelled throughout Palestine teaching about the Kindong of God.
The Last Supper:
Passover is the most important festival in the jewish year.
The passover meal is always the high point of the Passover festival.
Jesus and his disciples were in Jerusalem for the jewish festival of Passover. Jesus believed that the Sadducees were going to have him arrested. He went ahead and made the arrangements in secret.
That evening , Jesus hosted a Possover meal for up the bread. He said a prayer of thanks to God. Then he broke the bread and gave a piece to each disciple saying, " This is my body".
Jesus took a cup of wine. He said "this is mi blood". Looking around at al of them he said, "do this in memoriof me."
Jesus tried to tell them that his death would not be an ordinary death. His death would be a sacrifice.
1.- Long ago, they offered it in a sacrifice to God to set them free from slavery.
2.- Every year since that time the Jews celebrate the feast of Passover in Jerusalem.
3.- At the Last Supper Jesus spoke about his life. He offered it in sacrifice to God. Jesus would be the new Passover Lamb.
-religion book
Paco nº4

A blind man
This miracle tells us how a blind man, called Bartimaeus, who was completely ignored, listened about Jesus, and he wanted to meet him. One day, a group of men told him that Jesus was coming his way. Because of his blindness, he couldn’t see him coming, but he believed that this would be the only opportunity to be healed, so he started to shout: “ Jesus son of David, take pity on me”.
Jesus, understanding his faith, came next to Bartimaeus, took his eyes and healed him.
This miracle teach us that rich and poor people can have similar faith and this is the only necessary to form part of the Kingdom of God.
A person with leprosy
This miracle tells us how a leprosy that was excluded saw a man coming near to him. Later, he recognized that was Jesus and warned him to go away because he was leprosy, but Jesus didn’t listen him and continued walking. The man, amazed, continuous warning, but Jesus touched his hands and safe the man.
This miracle teaches us that faith is the only necessary to form part of the Kingdom of God.
The disciples Jesus needed people to spread his message, for this, he chose twelve men. The first discipleswere two fishermen, Simon and Andrew, which Jesus met at Lake Galilee. Further, he called other two fishermen, James and John. The rest of them, Jesus chose from all his followers, they could be poor or rich, young or old, married or single…Their names were: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas. All of them left all their possessions and they followed him. While Jesus was alive, they only thought that he was the Messiah, but when he was resurrected, they believed that he was the Son of God.
The beatitudes
Jesus taught his disciples that the only important in live is love God and fellow men like himself. All the Christian must try to do the same because, even it is difficult, and this makes us happy.
Christians today
Today, the Christians follow Jesus by different ways
- Parents spread to their sons God’s message.
- Some young people work in organizations like Trocaire, Christian Aid… without salary.
- Other people dedicate all their live to God, helping the others like Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, Mother Teresa, Brother Roger and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.


-religion book

Luis 10

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