2.Angela 1
3.Maria Jose 6
4.Cinta 20
Jesus was arrested and put on trial before the Jewish Court and afterwards before Pilate the Roman Governor.JESUS IS ARRESTED
On Thursday evening after dark Jesus, Peter and some of the disciples met at the Mount of Olives. They were afraid. They made their way to their usual place. At least it was safe and well hidden. Jesus knew it was now only a matter of time. He left them and went off by himself. In the silence of the night he fell on his knees and prayed. He was ready if God wanted him.
Suddenly there was a loud noise and bright torchlight all around them. Judas had arrived. He went over to Jesus and greeted Him with a kiss. That was the signal. Men with swords and sticks rushed forward to arrest Jesus. The disciples got ready to fight, but Jesus stopped them. Jesus said to the Sadducees “You come here now under cover of darkness. I was in the temple every day, you didn’t arrest me then!” The disciples, frightened that they too would be arrested, ran off! Jesus was led away to face his trial alone.
Late on Thursday night Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish court of law. The court was full, every member was present. Jesus stood in front of the high priest. The trial began. A number of witnesses were called. Jesus was questioned again and again. Finally, the High Priest asked “Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?”.” So you say,” Jesus replied.
The High Priest was shocked. It was blasphemy for anyone to claim he was equal to God. It meant Jesus had broken the Jewish law. The Court of the Sanhedrin gave their verdict. Jesus was found guilty of blasphemy. They said he should be put to death. But the Sanhedrin did not have the power to execute anyone. Only the Roman Governor, Pilate, could execute offenders, so they took Jesus to him.
Early on Friday morning Jesus was put in chains. He was brought before Pilate, the Roman Governor. Pilate tried to find out if Jesus was a trouble maker. ”Are you the king of the Jews?”, he asked. “So you say,” Jesus replied.
Pilate thought the prisoner was harmless, and wanted to release him. But the crowds waiting outside were shouting “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
The Roman governor did not want a riot, so he made a quick decision. He charged Jesus with treason. Jesus had, after all, claimed that he was a king. He could be a threat to Roman authority in the region. Jesus had therefore broken Roman law. Pontius Pilate gave his verdict. Jesus was found guilty of treason and was sentenced to death. Roman soldiers came and took him away to be crucified.
First, Jesus was condemned to death. Second Jesus carried the cross. Third, Jesus fell. Fourth, Jesus saw his mother. Then, Simon and Veronica helped Jesus. After that, Jesus fell again. After he fell, Jesus spoke to the women. Then, Jesus fell the third time. After he fell again, Jesus was stripped of his clothes. Finally, Jesus was crucified and Jesus died on the cross. After he died, Jesus was taken down from the cross and Jesus’ body was put on the tomb.
On the Friday morning, Roman soldiers led Jesus out to be crucified. He was forced to carry his cross through the streets of Jerusalem. When they reached Golgotha, the place of execution, the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross. He suffered for almost six hours before he gave up his spirit and died. When Jesus’ body was taken down from the cross, some friends laid it in a borrowed tomb. For Christians the martyrdom of Jesus is about love. A love for humanity that cost Jesus his life.
By Cinta 20.
Jesus was completely transformed after the resurrection. He was different, yet somehow he was still the same.
When the Sabbath was over, the women went to the market and bought spices. They worked hard all night. They ground the spices and mixed them with oil to make ointment. The ointment was for the body of Jesus in the tomb. It was a Jewish custom to anoint the body. It was a way of showing respect for the dead.
Early on Sunday morning they set off. The women were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome and Mary the mother of James. They were quiet and sad as they walked along carrying the large jars of ointment. It was dawn. The sun was just rising in the sky.
When they arrived at the tomb they saw that the large stone sealing the tomb was rolled back. They looked inside. They got a shock, the tomb was empty! A messenger from God spoke to them. ”Jesus is not here, he is risen from the dead. Do not be afraid.” But they were afraid, and very upset. They left quickly and rushed to tell the disciples.
The disciples were still in hiding. They felt everything had gone wrong. Jesus was dead. His work was over. And now their own lives were in danger. They didn’t believe the women. “An empty tomb? Nonsense! ”, they said. But Peter was unsure. He slipped out and ran to the tomb. He was amazed. It was empty.
Some time later Mary Magdalene went back alone to the tomb. She began to cry. Jesus appeared beside her. At first she didn’t recognise him. He had changed. He was transformed. Then Jesus said her name. Mary’s eyes lit up at once. She knew who He was straight away. “Teacher”, she said, and reached out to him. All her sadness turned to joy at that moment.
Mary Magdalene was the first person Jesus spoke to after he had risen from the death. It changed her life.
Jesus gave her new work to do. He asked her to go and tell the Good News of the resurrection to everyone she met.
By Cinta 20.
Three days since Jesus died on the cross, two of Jesus followers walk along the road to Emmaus, a small town eleven kilometres from Jerusalem.
A stranger catches up with the two men. He walks along beside them. It was Jesus, but somehow they didn’t recognise him.
Then the stranger began to remind them of the Jewish scriptures. He told them how everything in the Old Testament pointed to the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. The men walk along listening to the stranger. At last they arrived in the town of Emmaus.
They went into the house together. They sat down to eat. During the meal the stranger took the bread, said the blessing, then he broke the bread and gave it to each of them. At that moment their eyes were opened. The men understood. They knew it was Jesus. He did exactly the same thing when they shared the Eucharist at the Last Supper. As soon as they realised that Jesus was present among them, Jesus was gone.
By Cinta
Jesus and Outsiders
Conflict with Autority
One day Jesus was passing through the town of Jericho. A rich tax collector called Zacchaeus heard all about this famous teacher, he didn' t see him in person so he was waiting in the crowd to meet him. But the crowd were unfriendly. He couldn' t see anything because all of them stood in front of him, plugging his view. Only important people like the Pharisees were in front of the crowd. They had a lot of power and authority in the town because they were the leaders in the synagogues. The local people looked to Zacchaeus, no one like him because he worked for the romans. They also believed that all tax collectors were sinners. Standing there at the back of the crowd Zacchaeus decided to pass around everyone and climb a tree. Indeed he was wearing his best business clothes but he didn' t seem to care if it got torn or broke and he also didn' t care if everyone laughed at him. He only wanted to see Jesus. Finally when Jesus came along, he looked up and saw him, Jesus said his name and then invited himself to Zacchaeus' s house. Zacchaeus couldn' t believe it, he went down the tree and went over to welcome Jesus.
Some people were annoyed and started to talk and complain. When they arrived at his house, they sat down then Zacchaeus talked to Jesus for along time. At the end, he promised to change his ways. Jesus told him that he had come to save him from being lost, he also promised him that people who were despised and rejected by others have a special place in the Kingdom of God, because it is for everyone.
By Angela 1
Jesus Forgives Sins
Conflict with Authority
Jesus went back to Capernaum. When his neighbours saw he was at home they all went to visit him. Soon a lot of people gathered together. Jesus started to teach about the Kingdom of God and to cure the sick between them.
Then a group of men arrived, they were carrying their friend who was paralysed and coudn' t walk. The man was hoping that Jesus would help him. The friends were insurance that of course he will because they were certain that Jesus had the power to heal him. The problem was that inside the house were a lot of people, so they triyed to rech Jesus otherwise. Carefully, they carried the paralysed man up to the roof. However they made a hole in the roof. Dust and dirt fell into the room below, everyone looked up amazed. Then they lowered him down on a mat in front Jesus. It was obvious to Jesus the great faith of those men. Then he said to the paralysed man a prayer. These words shocked a group of Pharisees who were standing close. They knew that only God had the power to forgive sins.
Jesus healed the paralysed man in front of everyone. Jesus had shown eveyone that he had the power to heal people and to forgive sins.
Power came from Kingdom of God, that in there was healing and forgiveness, that everyone learned that day.
In that time, many people thought that illness and disease was a form of punishment. They said that the sick people had done something bad and the more serious illness, the bigger the sin that have been committed.
By Angela 1
Jesus and Sabbath Laws
For Jews the Sabbath day is a holy day because it is a day of rest and prayer. In that time the Pharisees thought it meant that God didn' t want the Jews to do any work at all on the on the Sabbath. There were a lot of rules about not working on the Sabbath. Pharisees believed that they were serving God when they encouraged ordinary Jews to obey all these rules. Jesus upset the Pharisees when he came along and began to do things in a different way.
Jesus travelled throuthout Palestine teaching about the Kingdom of God.
Conflict with Authoríty
· Working on the Sabbath
One Sabbath day Jesus ad his disciples were walking along by a field of corn. The disciples were hungry, so they picked some corn, rubbed it and ate it. They got into trouble.
Some Pharisees noticed what happened and they told Jesus that it was against the law for the disciples to do something like that on the Sabbath. Now Jesus knew that the Sabbath was a holy day . However, he explained to the Pharisees that the disciples were hungry. People must come first , he said, before the small detail of the law. The Pharisees were outraged, they belived exactly the opposite. For the law came first and it was to be obeyed in every detail .
What gave Jesus the right to change the law , they asked. Jesus replied that he had every right to make differents laws. The Pharisees were no longer the experts. In the Kingdom og God, Jesus was the the expert.
· Healing on the Sabbath
Jesus went to the synagogue of the Sabbath. That day a man with a paralysed hand came in and sst down. The Pharisees were sitting at the front in the most important seats, they wanted to see what Jesus would do. They waited for him to make mistake. Would he heal the man, if he did, it was against the law. Jesus told the man to come up, he asked him to strech out his hand and then he healed him in front of everyone. Jesus thought that it was right to help people, even on the Sabbath. Jesus told that the help of people must come first than before the law. The Phrisees got strange , for them it didn' t mattered that a hand had been healed. What mattered for them was that Jesus broke the law on purpose. They left the synagogue in disgust. After that they found that Jesus was breaking all the rules ang laws. They made plans to get rid of them.
· Jesus in Conflict with the Sadducees in Jerusalem
Jesus got a great welcome when he arrived in Jerusalem for the week of Passcover. Crowds lined in the street to wait for him. Jesus spent the next three days teaching in the Temple. The priest at the Temple were worried about the amount of crowds gathering around him, they became angry whenwhen Jesus defied them and chased the traders and money changers out of the Court of the Gentiles. They didn' t want to the Romans to see that things, there were getting out of control. The Romans would make life even harder for the Jews. They might ban the Temple wordship all together. Jesus had to stop until it happened now.
By Angela 1
The Last Supper
For Jewish people the Passcover is the most important festival in the year. Meal of Passcover festival it was always abundant. Each item at the meal helps the Jews to remember what happened to their ancestors at the very first of Passcover.
Jesus and his disciples were in Jerusalen for the Jewish festival of Passcover. Jesus thought that the Sadducees were going to have him arrested, but he wanted to share thr Passcover meal his disciples, then he he went ahed of others and made the agreements in secret. That evening Jesus hosted a Passcover meal for his friends. While they were eating Jesus picked up the bread and he sais the prayer of thanks to God, then he broke the bread and gave a piece to each disciple saying "This is my body". After that he took a cup of wine and also said a prayer of thanks to God. He handed the cup yo each of them again and said, "This is my blood". Loking all around him, he said, "Do this in memory of me". In this way Jesus connected the Passcover meal with his own death. The disciples didn' t understand very well the meaning of Jesus' words and actions, they thougth that Jesus had come to jerusalem to become king. Was he really the Messiah? The long awaited Messah who would establish yhe people free from their foreign rulers, the romans.
Later in that evening tired and confused the disciples went with Jesus to Mount of Olives outside the city. It was only after the death and resurrection of Jesus that his disciples understood the meaning of the words and actions at rhe Last Supper. Jesus tried to tell that his death would be a sacrificed but not an ordinary death.
Author :Connie Duffy.
Title:"Religion for Living".
Published by: Alpha Press Ltd. Castledown, 2005.
By Angela 1
There was a wedding in Canaa. The mother of Jesus was invited. María decided to go with Jesus. At the wedding they hada a lot of fun. The wine was very good, but they drinked so much that it finished. The people of the house became nervous because they didn't knew what to do. And María said to Jesus:
-My son, you must do something to help this poor people!
-Just tell them to do what I say.
And María said to all the servants:
-You must do what my son says.
The servants laught at her:
-Ok, sir, what we have to do?
And Jesus said:
-You must fill the water of the well in 12 pitchers of stone. Then you have to put the water inside the glasses.
When they did it, there wasn't water inside the pitchers, there was wine!
Jesus did that miracle to demostrate people that he was the son of God and that God exists.
-By Julia 22
The beatitudes:
Jesus Christ gave us the eight Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, recorded for all posterity in the Gospel of Matthew, the first Book of the New Testament of the Bible. Jesus offers us a way of life that promises eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven. He began teaching about 30 AD.The eight beatitudes of Jesus were:
-Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
-Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.-Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
-Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
-Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
-Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
-Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
St. Matthew 5:3-10
The disciples:
Jesus had 12 disciples that where always behind him to see the miracles that Jesus made on his travels. Alsaw when Jesus went up to the heaven with God, his father. The 12 disciples were called:
-The 2 Santiagos.
-Judas Tadeo.
-Judas Iscariote. (When he died he was remplazated by Matías)
By Julia 22A blind man:
One day, Jesus was waking with his disciples when he saw Bartolomew. Bartolomew was a blind man. Jesus was talking with his disciples so when Bartolomew heard he began to shout:
-Oh, what I'm hearing. It's Jesus voice.
The 12 disciples of Jesus looked at him, they tought that he was crazy. But Bartolomew shouted again:
-Jesus please help me.
-Why Bartolomew, what do you want?
-I want to see. And I know that you can make me see because you are the son of God!
Jesus touched Bartolomew's eyes, and when Bartolomew opened his eyes... He could see.
-Thank's Jesus, thanks!
When Jesus was with his disciples he asked them:
-Do you know why he could see? Because his faith.

By Julia 22
Jesus treats a leper!
One day Jesus was going to Jericho and suddendly he heard a loud voice:
-Jesus please, help me.
Infront of him there was a leper.Jesus saw how people treated them, it was very cruel. So he went beside the leper and he said:
-I'm going to help you.
He gave his hand to the leper and when the leper looked at his hand he was cured. This parable tell us that don't matter how we are because inside we are the same.
The Kingdom of God
One day Jesus joined a group of people beside the river Jordan. Jesus asked if he can be baptised like everyone else. John baptised Jesus in the river Jordan. When Jesus came out of the water something special happened.
By María José 6
Where is the Kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God don't have any exactly place. It is a way of life it found in the goodnes of people's hearts.
By María José 6
When will the Kingdom of God begin
The Kingdom of God had come. He is in Jesus. He perform miracles to show people the love of God.
By María José 6
jeus told parables to teach people about the kingdom of god.parables were easy to understand and easy to remenber. jesus once told a parable abaut sowing a mustard seed in the world, and plants in the ground.after a while it grows up and becomes the biggest of all plants. after the birds come and nests it shade
-The nidden meaning of the parable:
The Kingdom of God is compared to the growth of a plant. Because every time the people does a thing good is like God is in their hearts.
-The lost sheep:
one day one boy took his 99 sheeps to a safe place and one he couldn't find but he goes of into the hills, the hills then he finds and went to tell to the neighbours.
Jesus wanted people to understand that God love everyone. Jesus said that when a sinner repent an says sorry there will be much joy on his return.
The lost coin:
A woman had 10 silver coins one of them gets lost. One she found it she celebrated with her neighbours.
By María José 6
the good samaritan
one day the jewish men travels along the road of a local gang see him coming.they attack him and take all his money.3 persons pass and don't help him.but a samaritan put in the donkey and go away. the samaritan gives the inkeeper some money.jesus finished the parable asking the person beside him who do you thing acter in a neighbourly way to the man who was attacted.
the kingdom of god
one men ask who is my neighbours jesus answered by telling the parable of the good samaritan.
the samaritans
they lived in palestine they were jews.when the jews return from esile they discovered a lot of changed. the religious practices were diferent by jesus time the samaritans were despised by everyone.they were treated as outsiders by the rest of the jewish community in palestine.
christian today
jesus said love god and love your neighbour as yourself. jesus wanted his disciples to open up their hearts to god. everyone has a place in the kingdom of god.
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