1.Pablo V nº 28
2.Jesus G nº13
3.Pablo G nº12
4.Manuel G nº15
The kingdom of God Jesus had a dream. He had a vision of aperfect world. Jesus began to follow his dream from the day he was bauptised.
Parables: A parable is a spead reading of a history. A parable is a simple story with a hidden meaning.
-The lost sheep: Jesus told parables to show how God treats those who lose their way in life.
-the good samaritan: Jesus told a parable about a firt- hearted man who helped a person in need. Miracles Jesus in Palestine. There are 3 types of miracles that Jesus worked:
-Hecliny miracles: He helped ppeople who where sick or dissambled.
-Nature miracles: Changed something in the nature, “example” calming a storm...
-Expelliry miracles: He got rid of evil spirit from people's lives.
The Kingdom of GOD
Jesús had a dream. He had a vision of a perfect world. Jesus began to follow his dream from the day he was baptised.
One day Jesus joined a crowd of people beside the river Jordan. Jesus went over and spoke to John the Baptist, he want to be baptised like everyone else. John baptised Jesus in the River Jordan, like every one else.
A parable is a special kind of story. A parable is a simple story with a hidden meaning.
A man takes a mustard seed, the smallest seed in the world, and plants it in the ground. After a while it grows up and became the biggest of all plants. It puts out such large branches that the birds come and make their nets in its shade.
THE LOST SHEEPJesus told parables to show how GOD treats those who lose their way of life:
Jesus said:" Imagine a man has 100 sheep. One of them wanders off and gets lost." Jesus asks: “What does the man do? He leaves the others 99 in a safe place, then he goes off into the hills. Went he finds it, he is delighter.
Jesus told a parable about a kind-hearted man who helped a person it need.
One day a Jewish man was attack by a local gang and took all his money. The left him unconscious on the road. Same local people passed the injured man but they ignored him. Then a Samaritan man came by, the Samaritan stops and he carefully lifted him onto his donkey and helped him.
MIRACLES that Jesus performed miracles in Palestine:
There are 3 types of miracles:
He healed people who were sick or disabled.
He changed something in nature, like calming a storm, or turning water into wine.
He got rid of evil spirits from people’s lives.
Jesus/ n13
In this work I'm going to talk about the information I'm going to talk about now:
-Jesus' miracles: The miracles of the blind man, when Jesus cure a poor blind man because he couldn't work and he didn't had money. I'm also going to talk about the miracle that Jesus made with a person with leprosy, when he cure a leper because he wanted to enter in a city where he was despreciate. (they do it because the leprosy was, and is an infection disease.)
-Jesus' disciples: I'm going to talk about what the disciples had to do, where they where, where they went. when did they traicionate Jesus.
-Christians today: In this section I'm going to talk about what's religion for the actual persons, what the persons believe, and in what has some religions been transformed or the changes that the people has made to transform some religions.
Jesus' miracles. -The blind man:
In the city of Jerusalem, A blind man called Bartimeo was shouting in the street: -Please, give something of money to a poor blind man!– He couldn’t work, so he didn't has money or food. One day, Jesus came to the city where Bartimeo was living. He said him: - Help me to see, Jesus! – . Jesus heard him.-Come here- Jesus asked. He went there, and the people helped him to find the way. -You have believe in me, because of that I would cure you- said Jesus. Bartimeo opened his eyes, He could see!, he was shouting of happiness: Bartimeo said Jesus that he wanted to go with him, then, Jesus said he: -Come with me and walk in the light- Jesus said that because he wanted that Bartimeo predicate his word.
-A person with leprosy:
One day, a leper was out of the city of Jerusalem, leprosy was probably the worst disease known in that times, he can’t enter in the city because the other persons didn't let the path into the city to lepers. The people thanks leprosy was a disease that God gaves you for being bad (But that’s isn’t true, the leprosy it's a mortal infection disease, but God wouldn't give you that disease because you being bad). That day, the leper saw Jesus, he said him suplicating on the floor:
-Please cure me, you could make me well if you only wanted to-
And Jesus, because he saw his angustied face and because he believe in him, he said him: -I want to. Now you are well.- And he was really well.
Jesus told the man to show himself to the priest and to take a gift to the Temple.
The disciples:
The disciples where people who where chosed by Jesus because, primarily, they believe a lot in the word of Jesus. They also protected him, and went where he went. The disciples traicionate Jesus in the last supper and days before that. An example can be when Judas Iscariot paid the romans to arrest Jesus and the other disciples where drunk at the final part of the supper, and they didn't heard he. Jesus had 12 disciples:
Peter, Andrew, James son of Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Mathew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus,Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot.
Christians today:
There are many countries in our planet. The majority of them have the christianism as his principal religion. Actually, the religions had change a lot with the diferent cultures as the christianism. Some can go to the church every Sunday, others only every Saturday, others, others eat meat on fridays, others no... The wars, food, economy... can affect a lot the religion. An example can be, that the church has denominate the non recicling or contaminate as a sin. In those days the people thinks religion has to demostrate something more that what it had demostrate before, because science is demostrating a lot. If that continues like that the believers would transform into unbelievers.
-The saint bible / publicated by "apxw" scude: Paulinas editions.
Pablo/ n 28
Histories of Jesus:
In my work I’m going to talk about “The last supper”, “The arrest and trial of Jesus” and “The dead and resurrection of Jesus”
The last supper: I’m going to centralise into the themes of “Passover”, “The Eucharist” and “The Sacrifice”.
The Arrest and Trial of Jesus: I’m going to describe the arrest of Jesus, the judgement and the trial before Pilate.
The Dead and Resurrection of Jesus: I’m going to give you a brief explanation of what is a martyr, also I’m going to talk about Martyrdom of Jesus, the disciples of Jesus, the Resurrection of Jesus and the Transformation.
The Last Supper:
The Passover is the most important festivity for the Jews, it’s for commemorate when God helped Moses to save the Jews from Egypt of slavery. One of the symbols of this festivity is “The Lamb Bone”, “The Bitters Herbs”, “The Haroseth”, “The Parsley”, “The Lettuce”, “The Egg”, “The Unleavened Bred”, “The Salt Water” and “The Wine”.
When Jesus and his Disciples wanted to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem they had to make this celebration in secret so they weren’t arrested, this is known as the Eucharist. During the meal, Jesus picked the bread, he prayer of thanks to God and he distributed the bread between his Disciples and he said “This is my body” and he did this with the wine in the same way after the meal he said “This is my blood”. With this two sentences he want to said that the wine and the bread represent his blood and his body.
Arrest and Trial of Jesus
The arrest of Jesus was produced by the perfidy of Judas in the mounts of olives to the Romans in exchange for money.
After the perfidy of Judas Jesus was trial by the Sanhedrin were he was condemned by Pilates (because Jews didn’t have enough power for punishment any body) to be crucified.
Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Before the crucifixion and death of Jesus, Jesus had to carry the cross around Jerusalem, during this period before the crucifixion Simon and Veronic helped Jesus. The time before the crucifixion is know as “Martyrdom of Jesus”, the word martyr comes from this process and it is the suffering or death of person for their beliefs.
After three days before the death of Jesus he resurrected from death and next three women came to anoint the body but Jesus wasn’t there.
Manuel Guillén /n15
Jesus and Outsiders
The story of ZacchaeusZacchaeus was a rich tax collector who lived in the town of Jericho and worked for the romans; His neighbors din't like him much because he have stolen money from their houses.
One day, Jesus was passing through the Jericho. He was teaching the people the Kingdom of God. All people, went near him and they din't let Zacchaeus to come. But Zacchaeus had an idea. He went arround everyone and climbed a tree by the side of the road. He didn't care if everyone laughed at him. He only wanted to see Jesus. When Jesus finished talking, he looked ap and saw Zacchaeus. He came along to were Zacchaeus was, he said his name and ofer to come down.
When he came down, Jesus invited himself to have lunch in Zacchaeus' house.
Zacchaeus couln't believe it. Jesus coming to his house!
But some people who were there started to complain about that.
“It's imposible, It cannot be true.”
“That tax collector is a sinner, and everyone knows it.”
When they arrived at his house, Zacchaeus offered Jesus to sat down. He killed a chicken and took some milk from the kitchen. Here you have Jesus. When they finished eating, Zacchaeus started to talk. He talked about his life and what were the bad things he had done. At the end, the tax collector promised to change his ways. Jesus told him that he had come to save him from being lost. He promised Zacchaeus that the Kingdom of God is for everyone. Outsiders, people who are despised and rejested by others, have a special place in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus Forgives Sins
God is not the only one who can the power to forgive sins. Also is Jesus. In this next story you're going to read, you could see that:
The Paralysed man
After been in Jericho, Jesus went back to Capernaum. He was at home with his neighbors, teaching them about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick among them. Suddenly, a group of men arrived. They were carring a man who was paralysed and couldn't walk. They believed that Jesus could help him because he had the power to heal people. They tried to arrive were Jesus was but they found it very difficult because the crowd was too big and didn't enter by the door. Finaly, they got in by the roof of the house. Jesus could see that they had faith in him. "My son, your sins are forgiven" said Jesus. His words shocked a group of Pharisees who were standing nearby. The didn't agreed with Jesus. They thought he couldn't have the power for heling people. They thought is was an insult to God. They accused Jesus of blasphemy. But then, the paralysed man got up.
In that times, people thought that if you were ill was because you had done something wrong in your live. It was like a punishment. When Jesus forgived the sins of the paralysed man, he went normal again.
Resurrection Appearences
This dialog has been taken from the book of religion (bibliography at the bottom). It was written by Luke (24:13-35)
Narrator: It is three days since Jesus died on the cross. Two of Jesus' followers walk along the road to Emmaus, a small town eleven kilometres from Jerusalem.
Cleo: I still can't beleive it. Imagine, Jesus, of all people, put to death on the cross like a common criminal.
Theo: I know what you mean. I can't get over it either. When you think we acctually believed he was the Messiah! Now look at us. Three years following him and nothing to show for it. What a waste!
Narrator: A stranger catches up with the two men. He walks along beside them. It is Jesus, but somehow they not recognise him.
Jesus: Nice day isn't it?
Theo: Is it? We hadn't noticed.
Jesus: What's up? Have you had some bad news or something?
Cleo: You mean you don't know? You must be the only one around here who isn't talking about it.
Jesus: Tell me – what's happened?
Cleo: Well, you've heard about Jesus of Nathareth – you know, the famous teacher. Everyone thought he was going to lead us to freedom.
Theo: Gess what! He was handed over to the Romans in Jerusalem. They crucified him last Friday!
Cleo: And now there are all kinds of rumors going arround.
Theo:Yeah, some women went to his tomb this mornig, it was empty! His body is gone!
Cleo: The women are telling everyone that a messenger from God said Jesus is alive!
Theo: Mind you, some of us went along to see for ourselves. It's true. There is no sign of the body anywhere.
Jesus: Why do you sound so surprised? Don't you know it was all meant to happen like this?
Narrator: Then the stranger began to remind them of the Jewish scriptures. He told them how everything in the Old Testament pointed to the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. The men walk along listenig to the stranger. At last they arrive in the town of Emmaus.
Cleo: I must admit, I never thought of it like before. It's all begining to make sense now.
Theo: Look, it's getting dark. This is our place. Why don't you come in? Stay the night if you want.
Jesus: Well, if you're sure it's no trouble.
Narrator: They went into the house together. Later they sat down to eat. During the meal the stranger took the bread, said the blessing, then he broke the bread and gave it to each of them.
At that moment their eyes opened. The men understood. Thy knew it was Jesus. He did exactly the same thing when they shared the Eucharist at the Last Supper. As soon as they realised that Jesus was present among them, Jesus was gone.
The two men got up and went straight back to Jerusalem. Full of excitement they rushed to tell the disciples the Good news. “He is risen! The Lord is risen!” they repeated over and over again. (Luke 24:13-35)
Bibliography:Religion for living, Single volume edition, Connie Duf
Pablo G nº12
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