domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Ana nº 24

When I was walking through the beach, I saw the figure of a person that was very similar to Jesus Christ. As closer I got to that person, I realised that it was him and we started to talk. He could talk all different languages including Spanish, but we talked in Spanish to each other.
I didn´t knew what to say or of what to talk about, but suddenly he asked me what does the Kingdom of God meant to me. I answered to him that for me the Kingdom of God was a world where everyone would love God and would obey God´s rules and also, where everyone would love the other persons as themselves. He said to me that this was his dream and also, he told me all the things he wanted on the Kingdom of God like peace and love.

Rocío, 3

Week 1:
One day, when I was walking through a desert beach, I met Jesus.
It was a sunny and beautiful day, so I decided to have a walk through the beach that was in front of my house. Suddenly, I saw very far away, a silhouette of a man coming towards me. When the time past, and the man came nearer me, I could differentiate, that he was Jesus. He was thin, with some bear and with a dark skin tone. He also, was wearing a large white tunic with a gold cord in his waist.
I was very nervous, but sure of what I was going to ask him. My question was: `What is the Kingdom of God?´, and his answer was: `What I’m going to say to you, will probably answered lot and lot of questions. The Kingdom of God are all the things all over the world, that have a relationship with God´.
It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life, but the most surprising thing was his language, he talked to me in English!

maria nº 29

maria nº 29

Some time ago i was walking in the beach and i saw a human shadow. I walk afterwards it. I got surprised when i saw that it was: Jesus! He asked me: What is the kingdom of God for you? and i asnwered: The kingdom of God for me is all around us because God is in all parts you imagine.
Also i think that the church is like a little kingdom of God because when you get there you saw all pictures of Jesus and God, they talk about the kingdom of God and how was his life before.
Then he asked me again: If you go to heaven, what would you do?What you think about that?
Then i answered: Well, i don't believe in heaven because when you die, i think you still in land,that is my opinion,other people would have other opinions.
Jesus desapeared suddently. I was surprised, that was impossible! I looked around and nobody was there, so i decide to go home.

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

Maria nº8


I think that the kingdom of God is not a place, because, for example we cannot see it in a map. The kingdom of God is on the people's hearts, because you need to believe on him to be at the kingdom of God. Also I think that if you noy believe you can also go there when you die.

I think,that if one day I saw God, He would speak me Spanish, but if he see an English person, God would speak English, because I think that God can speak all the languages of the worl. Whith this I tell what I thought. I think that if God saw someone of any language, He could speak with Him/Her.

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

julia number : 22

Last year I was walking along the beach, when suddendly, I spy in the distance a silhouette of a person. When I was enough near I could concentrate well on his physical features. He was a man of average stature, his eyes were brown, he had a long bit curled and chestnut-colored hair.I havent seen him in my life, but it seems like a person that I know very well. Suddendly I knew who was him. ¡It was Jesus!
-Whats your name?
-My name is Julia. And I am shure that you are Jesus.
-Yes, I am Jesus.¿Do you have any question for me?
-Yes, I've some.What's the kingdom of God?
-One day I had a dream. I could see what the world would be like if people would allow the love of God rule their hearts. It would be like heaven on earth. Everyone would love God and everyone would love their neighbour as themselves. I called that dream the kingdom of God.
-But, when will it begin and were is it?
-It is not a place, it cannot be found on a map. The kingdom of God is found on people's heart. It's a way of life. The kingdom of God has already appeard. ¡It came with me!

Cinta 20

If I meet Jesus at the beach:

If I meet Jesus at the beach I think he will know how to speak Spanish because if Jesus is God and God created the Earth and all that is in the Earth, God will know how to speak a language that he has invented and God is Jesus, so Jesus knows how to speak Spanish and how to speak all the languages that exists. I think that I will recognise Jesus because I have seen a lot of drawings of him, but I don't know if they are real drawings or if they aren't, so maybe I wouldn't recognise him.

I will ask him some questions like for example:

- What happen when you die?

- Where do you go when you die?

- How do God look like?

Ana nº9

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Andrea Nº 26

I was in a solitary beach, I was alone. The sand was white and the water was clean then I saw that a person was getting near to me:- Is imposible- I thought. Hello, Andrea- he said- How do you know my name? and who are you?- That person smiled- Well you know the answer- Jesus?- I asked, but Jesus just smiled again- If you are here it means that I'm dead'?- Jesus laugh- No, I have just come hear to make you a small visit- I looked him- Sure- I said in a sarcastic tone. Jesus was tall with long hair and beard. Jesus...-I said- What is the kingdom of God?-Well said Jesus- There is not an exactly answer to that question and for you?- asked Jesus. I took two steps forward:- Well for me, the kingdom of God is not the same thing for all persons I think its what we all imagine, for me is not a place, its the way we all love God and the way he love to us, thats what the kingdom of God means to me.- When I finished saying the sentence Jesus wasn't there. I smiled cause I knew that Jesus was there somewhere but helping me day to day.

Pablo.V 28

I think the kingdom of God is the best place for everyone. If you like peace it would be a place of peace, if you like money it will be a place where you were the richest person of all, or if you like video games, it will be a place of playstations, x-box... I think the kingdom of God is the beautifull and magnuific place where every body wants to live and with God's laws, sow it could be a wonderfull place.
If I, in the extrange oportunity of met Jesus in the beach, or in other place, what I would say he?
This is a very dificult question, but I would ask he at first why God want, or don't do nothing with the poblem that in the world there are some very rich persons who lived very good his lives and they are bad persons, and why other good persons are poor and have miserable lives until they dead, why this diferences, what significate does it has?
After I say that, he would say me a parable, I'm sure about it, he like parables.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

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Here is a simple, step-by step, explanation on how to use this blog for posting your assignments.
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D. Ryan